My Vision is to
Compassionately facilitate the integration of mind, body and spirit for those who desire to find healing, change and meaning within themselves.
My Heartfelt Mission is to
H: Honor the spirit within each individual who comes seeking
E: Envision wholeness
A: Above all else, hold compassion as my guide
R: Remember to hold everything lightly
T: Trust the spirit and inner awareness
F: Forget not the poor as they are my teachers
E: Expect change in small and large ways, and in surprises unbidden
L: Laugh and weep openly, in it we behold our oneness and vulnerability
T: Together, share the integration of healing that comes from the gentle work of trust
Education and Background
- BA Purdue School of Science 1984
- MSW Indiana University School of Social Work 1996
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker, State of Indiana
- Fellow in Thanatology, ADEC
- EMDR Certified
- Trained Spiritual Director, Shalem Institute
- Imago Relationship Therapist
- Journal To The Self Facilatator
- Extensive experience working in hospice
Professional Affiliations
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA)
- Contemplative Outreach Indiana Chapter (COIC)
- The Center For Journal Therapy
Life Transitions
I love working with life transitions of all kinds. Nothing is permanent really, transition is always happening, every moment. I know I work in the area of loss and grief because I had such a terrible time with attachment. This field teaches the depths of attachment and what it means to be not attached physically. And in the most deeply compassionate way. I learn lessons daily about letting go and letting God, non-attachment and loving freely. It is such a gift to be in this work. And I say that, knowing I have to practice that mindful act of loving freely every time I experience my own loss. And I have . . . lots of times. And most likely will soon again. And it is all okay. One step at a time.