Are you finding it difficult to cope with the death of a loved one or the loss of a relationship?
Are you working through 12-Step Recovery or embarking on a spiritual path?
As your therapist, my goal is to help you find your unique path to healing.
My approach is one of curiosity and of compassion. When you come to my office I will sit with you, mindfully listening to your story, hearing you intentionally with my mind and my heart.
Modalities I use include Imago Relationship Therapy, EMDR, Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Spiritual Direction, and tools from other traditions that serve us as the need arises. It takes time to trust and I will work with you to trust yourself, first and foremost. It is from that place inside, all other trust develops.
I expect that you will have questions, and I welcome them. If I can’t answer the questions, we can mindfully look for the resources you will need to get the information you seek.